Youth registration for the 2024-2025 season is now OPEN!
Please be sure to either create a SportsEngine account or ensure that you are logged in prior to registering your wrestler.
The link to create a SportsEngine account is below.
Once you have a SportsEngine account, head over to the "Youth Registration" tab on the top of the website to register for the season!
Practice will begin Monday, December 2nd. All practices will be at the Marshall High School in the wrestling room.
Practice is every Monday and Thursday:
ALL COMMUNICATION WILL BE DONE ON THE STACK TEAM APP! Scan this QR code to download the app and search for the team "MAWA YOUTH" so you are able to stay connected!
Make sure your notifications are turned on so that you get the most up-to-date information from the youth wrestling program:
We do our best to limit the number of messages and notifications sent out on the app. If you have a question, we ask that you please reach out individually in an effort to help keep these notifications to a minimum.
The Guillotine is the premier website for all things related to wrestling in the state of MN both at the youth and high school level. The link below will take you to the open tournament calendar where you can find a list of PreK-6 tournaments around the state!
There are a TON of ways to get involved with your child's wrestling season, team and program! We encourage our parents to be engaged with their child's wrestling and to help our program continue to grow a sense of "family". Head over to our "Board" tab for links to connect with wrestling people and parents to learn more about ways you can be involved!